Devlog 5: Menus and Conditions

A couple of things went down during this time. 

First and foremost, every game has to have a win condition. While I already put in the wall in and the trigger for the ending, I didn't exactly have anything to indicate a win other than a "You win" message in the debug log... Something the player is not going to see.

Thus, a simple ending and stat-screen. While there are no numbers, the lower part (Final gold, days arrived, days left) change to match the number of days based on the player data and stats; how many gold you have left, how many days you've taken, how many days were left until game over). 

Speaking of which, the gameover screen. 

For the gameover screen I wanted to do something a little different. No stats, just you, the story of what happens, and of course audio (can't share that here since it's a gif). I wanted to make it a bit foreboding, allowing the player to read, then the next bit before hitting them with the game over.

So we have a game! A game with a win condition, a lose condition, and of course a way to get to the win. So what's left?

  • Game balance. It can get ridiculous how much you can spam buying the launch force to just yeet yourself even beyond the win condition trigger! I hope to solve this with putting a cap on the upgrades (if the upgrade dictionary reaches a certain value, then remove the ability to buy).
  • More art needs to be done and implemented. I will put more details in to make it a bit easier to look at but it will take time

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